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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Version 2.1 of eXtreme+ is out

Our good friend {PST}*Joker just posted in our forums that Version 2.1 of eXtreme+ has just been released. Read about it in the BASH Boards

Joker also makes a poignant statement in the eXtreme+ website, he thanks the folks that made eXtreme+ possible, here's a snip:

Special thanks:
The eXtreme+ Support Crew would like to take this opportunity to thank all the users of the eXtreme+ mod, with out all of you, we would not have a reason for doing this and would not be having as much fun as we are.

Thanks to R/F clan for the generous donation of a Linux Testing Server

Thanks to for donating a server to test on and to test their services.

Thank you to ALL the clans and server admins that PM us obsessively for the Pre-Alpha, Alpha, and Beta testing. TYA, ESC, R/F, QK, PST, TOG, etc, etc. Without your testing and reports, eXtreme would not be what it is today.

Thank You and Farewell to former eXtreme+ Support Crew Tally. His knowledge and wisdom has advanced eXtreme+ mod 10 fold from what it was in the begining of COD2. His expertise, passion, and repeated sacrifices will not be forgotten!!

And finally, to the entire eXtreme Support Crew......a HUGE thank you during all the behind the scenes researching, coding, testing, and dealing with everyone else's tired and over-worked attitudes, THANK YOU!!!

Last by certainly not least, if anything was missed or overlooked by any of the fine people that contributed to this release in any way shape or form, please PM any of the Support Crew so that we may fix this unfortunate oversight ASAP

Yes, Tally has stepped down from eXtreme+. But of course you would have known that if you had listened to BASH 30 last weekend! Thank you Tally for all the work on eXtreme+ and I guess that means you'll have even more time to get Rise of the Resistance out!

Oh, and who said Joker wasn', a joker? Here are some changes in 2.1 that he highlights:
-Long un-approved vacation by Gixxer
-removed a few things that never really worked in any version
I'll miss the things that didn't work. I came to rely on them. :(

A little Jock-ularity there

Thank you eXtreme+ crew and good luck Tally!