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Monday, June 4, 2007

BASH 911: CVAR out of range

I received the following email from bf, a BASH reader:

I came across your blog "BASH" and wonder if you could help me out. On certain COD2 servers I'm now getting kicked off because my CVAR=10,000 (or something like that). I would never use any type of cheat for online play (vs. just the computer I have, but not COD). How do I fix my CVAR range, whatever that is, so that I no longer get kicked off by Punkbuster?
I'll try and tell you what I think and I welcome any readers to chime-in and suggest their thoughts:

1. Try and remember what the exact CVAR error message is. Your error message sounds a bit vague.

2. Note that when PunkBuster can't determine that a player's gaming environment is functioning properly and/or has not been altered, an Integrity violation is raised. This also involves the detection of modified game or PunkBuster files. These violation numbers are between 10000 and 29999.

It's possible that if it's a PunkBuster 10000 code one of their game files was corrupted. Reinstall PunkBuster.

3. Having said that, could it have been this one?

VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: Cvar cg_hudObjectiveMaxRange = 10000

If this is the one, open your console, (type ~ to open it)

Then type:

/cg_hudobjectivemaxrange 2048

followed by Enter.

CVAR's are client side variables known as console variables and can be changed in the config_mp.cfg file:

C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\players\yourname

One of the lines in this file should read:

seta cg_hudObjectiveMaxRange "2048"

Variables in these files can be changed by the user. You may have accidentally overwritten one of the variables. Possibly a CoD2 modification may have done something to alter this number. I am not sure right now. Possibly someone reading this might know more.

Does changing a line in the config_mp.cfg file constitute cheating? In my opinion, no it does not. Not unless, the server your on expressly forbids you from using a value outside a given range.

4. If this happens again, you can always type the name of the variable in the console, like


The console will tell you the current value of the parameter and it's maximum possible value. In this case it is 2048.