Modern Warfare due out November 9th in Europe?
For our European readers, from comes the news that Activision's Modern Warfare will be released in Europe on the 9th of November.
From their article:
The date seems to confirm the not-so-well kept secret that Modern Warfare is coming out just before Christmas.
The word "November" did feature prominently in CoD4 demo videos and it should not be a surprise to anyone.
While the month and day may now be known (although still unofficially), BASH continues to place operatives in the field in the hopes of learning what "year" Activision has slated the game to be released. We will alert you as soon as we find out!
For the North American crowd, the buzz on the street indicates that CoD4 will invade the store shelves on the 30th of October - just in time for Christm... errr... Halloween?
That info is courtesy of the French website xboxygen:
There are no verifiable sources, in any language, in xboxygen's article. IGN on the other hand is labeling the 5th of November as the CoD4 drop date. Stay tuned.
From their article:
The date supposedly slipped out at a recent CoD4 press event, where a marketing bloke is said to have revealed that Modern Warfare will be deployed on PC, PS3 and 360 on November 9. Activision UK meanwhile is unable to confirm the date, sticking firm to its original line that the Infinity Ward's shooter will be out simply "this winter".
The date seems to confirm the not-so-well kept secret that Modern Warfare is coming out just before Christmas.
The word "November" did feature prominently in CoD4 demo videos and it should not be a surprise to anyone.
While the month and day may now be known (although still unofficially), BASH continues to place operatives in the field in the hopes of learning what "year" Activision has slated the game to be released. We will alert you as soon as we find out!
For the North American crowd, the buzz on the street indicates that CoD4 will invade the store shelves on the 30th of October - just in time for Christm... errr... Halloween?
That info is courtesy of the French website xboxygen:
Activision vient de communiquer les dates de sorties de Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare. Le FPS tant attendu signé Infinity Wards devrait débarquer le 30 octobre outre-Atlantique et le 9 novembre en Europe. Le titre le plus impressionant de l'E3 risque donc nous réchauffer une bonne partie de l'hiver!
There are no verifiable sources, in any language, in xboxygen's article. IGN on the other hand is labeling the 5th of November as the CoD4 drop date. Stay tuned.